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Origin Finca Santa Elena in black bag on white background

Origin Coffee Roasting - Colombia Finca Santa Elena

R 229.00

We receive fresh deliveries of these coffee beans several times per week. Please allow up to 2-3 working days after you order for dispatch in case we need to wait for the next delivery.

We tend to get pretty excited about Colombian coffees. We get pretty excited about new releases from our friends at Origin Coffee Roasting, too. What has us even more eager for this particular Colombian lot is the fact that it’s undergone natural processing, which should result in more body and greater sweetness in the cup.

This coffee comes from Finca Santa Elena, a coffee farm located in Antioquia, in the North-West of Colombia. Antioquia is home to numerous coffee farms of various sizes spread out across the Western Range of the Andes Mountains, and is considered a traditional Colombian coffee-producing region. Many coffee growers in Antioquia are proud smallholders who still transport their coffee by mule. In recent years, however, Antioquian farmers have begun implementing state-of-the-art modern agricultural technology and experimental techniques, like innovative fertilisers and fermentation processes.

Finca Santa Elena is a sophisticated, modern Antioquian farm, which has a cutting-edge processing facility that includes an environmentally-friendly water-conserving de-pulper and a solar drier with raised beds. It also pays premiums to its pickers and scrupulously inspects and separates its coffee cherry according to exacting scoring criteria, so you can be sure that only the very best of a harvest makes it to your cup. This particular coffee promises subtle but sweet fruit flavours. We’re keen for you to try it.

Phaedon's tasting notes

I haven't had the pleasure of drinking many Colombian naturals. There have been many washed coffees and quite a few experimental processes, but not that many regular naturals. It seems I may have been missing out.

I think it's the body of this coffee that captured me first. It has this silky, smooth quality that is quite distinct and took me a little by surprise. That mellow mouthfeel is accompanied by a subtle medley of stone fruit flavours and well-integrated acidity that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Interestingly, it wasn't in pour-overs that I had my best results with this coffee. Where it really shone was in my AeroPress, my French press, and my trusty Bialetti Venus moka pot. In all of those brews, there was a caramel sweetness that accompanied the soft stone fruit flavours and velvety body which made the coffee all the more enjoyable.

Origin’s notes

  • Flavour: Strawberry, panela yellow peach
  • Body: Medium, velvet
  • Roast: Light
  • Acidity: Soft stone fruit
  • Suggested brewing methods: AeroPress, siphon, plunger, espresso, espresso; milk, V60

Coffee details from Origin

  • Country: Colombia
  • District: Antioquia
  • Farm: Finca Santa Elena
  • Owners: Samuel Roldan; Paula Concha
  • Altitude: 1,700masl
  • Varieties: Caturra
  • Processing: Natural

“This Caturra Natural is produced on the farm called Finca Santa Elena, which is run by an orthodontist Samuel Roldan and his wife Paula Concha. They have conducted several investigations and programs with universities on topics related to coffee quality, processing, and energy applied to the coffee industry. Two years ago, this lovely couple won the Yara Championship Award for the best Caturra Natural in Colombia!

“After selecting and carefully handpicking in the field, cherries are taken for the floating process to remove any non-dense coffee cherries and impurities. This lot of Caturra is left to ferment from 36 to 72 hours before it is taken to raised beds to dry in the sun with controlled temperatures.”