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Manual Coffee Grinders

A coffee grinder is an important investment. Many coffee professionals would argue that your grinder is the most important investment when it comes to your coffee setup. The trouble is that really great grinders can be expensive and bulky. Many of them are very much worth it, but for the typical home brewer, big price tags, big bodies and big motors may not make sense. That's why we often find ourselves recommending hand grinders.

Manual coffee grinders have come a long way in the years that we've been operating. Not only is there a broad range available now, to suit every budget and brew method, but their ease of use, reliability and grind consistency have come leaps and bounds. You can pick up something simple for a similar price to a basic coffee maker, but you can also get something that will produce professional-quality grinds, for a fraction of the cost of a commercial coffee grinder. You're paying for burrs rather than for horsepower, but if all you're making is a couple of cups per day, that tradeoff makes a lot of sense; after all, you can provide the horse power (or elbow grease).

Below you'll find our broad range of hand coffee grinders. We really have something for every type of coffee brewer. If you're finding the choice overwhelming or you aren't sure what to buy, click on each grinder to learn a bit more about it, but please don't hesitate to get in touch and chat about your options with our team. We'll help you find the right hand grinder!