Puck Prep Accessories
Aside from your brewing equipment itself (i.e. your espresso machine and grinder), the most essential part of consistently pulling great shots of espresso is your puck prep, or how you distribute and prepare your ground coffee before tamping it and throwing it under your group head. Not only does a well-prepped puck encourage even extraction and mitigate channelling, leading to better espresso, but it can also make cleanup easier by preventing or limiting spraying, residue in your group head, and a soupy, difficult to chuck puck that leaves excess residue in your filter basket after knocking.
Puck prep and the tools it requires have come a long way in recent years, and the modern espresso aficionado has more options than ever when it comes to perfecting their craft. Below you’ll find a range of puck prep tools and accessories, from simple distribution gadgets to highly engineered instruments. Have a browse and click through to learn more about each one, or get in touch with us if you need any assistance. You should also read this blog post to learn more about why puck prep matters and how to go about it.