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Unroasted / Green Coffee

As coffee lovers are becoming more discerning and showing more interest in every aspect of a coffee bean's journey, we are seeing more and more interest in coffee roasting. Are you curious about coffee roasting? Do you want to learn how to roast your own coffee? The coffee industry is full of stories of passionate coffee lovers who began their journey with nothing but a curious mind, some decent coffee and a frying pan who then went on to start some of the most influential specialty coffee companies in the world. 

Whether it's with a frying pan and a fire, a homemade drum roaster or something more sophisticated, we are delighted to offer a range of green coffee for aspiring home roasters. Now you can see all our coffees that are available as unroasted green coffee in one place. Some of these coffees are also available roasted, so make sure to select a variant that says "Unroasted / Green" using the bag size drop down menu on each product page.

About our green / unroasted coffees

Within the coffee industry, unroasted coffee is commonly referred to as green coffee. In the same way that (no matter what you do) you can't brew bad coffee to taste good, you can't roast bad green coffee to taste good either. The most important factor in roasting coffee is starting with good quality green coffee. 

We take the same quality-focused approach to sourcing green coffee as we do to sourcing the roasted coffee we sell to you. All the green coffee available here is specialty grade with a cup score of 83 or above. We have done our best to curate a range that includes a variety of different coffees that each offer something unique and distinct from one another.

Please note that green / unroasted coffee is not ready to brew! If you don't plan to roast your own, please make sure you only purchase roasted coffee.