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Quaffee Coffee Box Kenya Thiriku

Quaffee - Kenya Thiriku

R 640.00

We receive fresh deliveries of these coffee beans several times per week. Please allow up to 2-3 working days after you order for dispatch in case we need to wait for the next delivery.

Please understand that if you buy green / unroasted coffee that it will need to be roasted before it can be ground or brewed. The unroasted coffee is labelled as such in the Bag Size drop down menu.

While this isn't the first coffee that we've tried from the Thiriku Cooperative, it is the first one roasted by our friends at Quaffee. Sitting at ~1,900 metres above sea level, the Thiriku Cooperative's wet mill is one of the highest in the very famous Nyeri region of Kenya which produces many of the best Kenyan coffees that we enjoy here in South Africa and the world over. The wet mill serves more than 2,000 smallholder farmers in the surrounding area and is managed by a democratically elected board of representatives among them.

The high altitude and relatively cool temperatures lead to slower ripening and fermentation, which, when well-managed (as in this case), help to produce a particularly high quality of coffee in the cup. The coffee cherries are hand-sorted before being processed, ensuring that only ripe cherries make it into the final lots.

This coffee is an AB lot. That isn't a quality grade, but rather a screen size - in other words, it's a lot comprised of slightly smaller beans than their AA brethren. While AAs often take top billing, many ABs have wonderful profiles to offer, and we tend to find that this includes a more subtle level of acidity.

Phaedon's tasting notes

I have fond memories of Thiriku lots that I've tried over the years. While we haven't had any from Quaffee, I've generally enjoyed all of the lots that I've been lucky enough to taste. I tend to pay attention when something shows up on Quaffee's list that I haven't seen before. It usually means it's a great example. This one didn't let me down.

Despite being an AB lot, I found this coffee quite bright in most of my brews. If you don't like vibrant acidity, you may not enjoy it, but I found it delicious. It reminded me of grapefruit in many of my cups. The sweetness was relatively muted, but shone through on my immersion brews like a French press and siphon with a great balancing effect. I did also enjoy my V60 pour-over, even if it was a touch less sweet.

Quaffee's notes 

  • Taste profile: Good complexity, blackberries, caramelised molasses and a hint of apricot on the finish.
  • Roast used: Gentle soak to TP, and acceleration into browning and then into first, where the roast is slowed to extract berry flavours.
  • Our brews:
    • Espresso: 1:2.25
    • AeroPress: 1.65g:200g (2min steep)
    • Plunger: 48g:800g (4.5 mins)
    • Pour over/filter: 18g:300g

Coffee details

  • Country: Kenya
  • Region: Nyeri County
  • Farmers: Around 1,000 farmers with an average farm size of 0.4 hectares
  • Processing: Fully washed, cleaned, sun-dried on raised African beds
  • Packaging: GrainPro in Hessian
  • Altitude grown: 1,880 - 1,970 masl
  • Variety: 100% Arabica SL28

Quaffee transparency information

  • Sourced from: Trabocca
  • FOB price: US$ 14.35/kg USD:ZAR on time of payment was 1:18.70
  • Cupping score: 85.5 (from Trabocca)
  • Producer / organisation: Thiriku Coffee Growers Cooperative Society
  • Lot size bought: 1 x 60kg bag
  • Relationship: This is our first coffee from this co-operative