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Cedar Nicaragua Buena Esperanza washed white bag

Cedar - Nicaragua Buena Esperanza Washed

R 219.00

We receive fresh deliveries of these coffee beans twice per week. Please allow up to 3-4 working days after you order for dispatch in case we need to wait for the next delivery.

Buena Esperanza is a coffee farm found in the mountainous region of Matagalpa, in central Nicaragua. It forms part of the greater Rajuanse coffee estate, and is owned and operated by Ramiro Ortiz and his family who are working to this day to elevate and advance the farm and its crop. To achieve this goal, Buena Esperanza has leveraged the rich environment of the mountain valley where it is found to grow top-quality coffee, and has implemented numerous ecological conservation and environmental renewal measures, with the aid and support of the neighbouring communities.

We’ve had several coffees from Buena Esperanza before, and we really feel that the Ortiz family consistently produces some of the best lots of Nicaraguan coffee out there. It’s been a while since we’ve specifically had a Rajuanse lot from Cedar, so we’re happy to see it make a return. Even better, this time around Cedar’s offered us two distinct lots to try side by side.

This is a washed lot of the Pacamara variety, which is a cross between Pacas and Maragogype grown across Central America and famous the world over for its distinct fruity flavours and floral aromas. The washed processing this coffee has undergone should result in the flavour of the beans themselves (rather than that of the coffee cherry, as in the case of a naturally processed coffee) to come to the fore with clarity and pleasantly bright acidity.

Phaedon’s tasting notes

I've enjoyed many Buena Esperanza lots over the years, and I have fond memories of Cedar's very early releases from this estate. I always welcome the opportunity to try a new lot of the same provenance, and this one did not disappoint me. Although more subtle in its characteristics than some of its predecessors, it is no less pleasant.

This coffee has a lovely, creamy mouthfeel and a lingering honey finish. There are some subtle fruit flavours to explore, verging somewhere between stone and tropical fruit. I also found a hint of a tea-like note in some of my cups. I enjoyed this coffee most in a siphon, a moka pot, and a Chemex.

Cedar’s notes

“Through our tasting we picked up lots of clean refreshing fruit notes, this variety produces quite a complexity of sweetness paired with vibrant acidity. Notes of mango, fresh watermelon fruit and green grape acidity on filter. Whereas the espresso based drinks brings out a concentrate of honeycomb candy sweetness.”

  • Cup profile: Mango, green grape, honeycomb candy

Coffee details from Cedar

  • Farm: Buena Esperanza
  • Producer: Ramiro Ortiz
  • Country: Nicaragua
  • Region: Matagalpa
  • Process: Washed
  • Altitude: 1100 - 1200masl
  • Variety: Pacamara

“Some of you that have been following us from the beginning might notice this particular farm: Buena Esperanza. This was one of our first coffees that we launched back in 2021 so it's a pleasure to bring this new lot back to the scene. A refresher here; Buena Esperanza Estate is the crown jewel of Rajuanse Estates, located in a privileged mountain valley in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. This is a family owned and run farm headed by Ramiro Ortiz with the sole purpose of bringing this estate back to its former glory.

“Last time out we showcased their Naturally processed H1 variety. This time we sourced their Pacamara variety predominantly grown in El Salvador where it frequently dominates Cup of Excellence competitions for its high cup quality. You will notice that these beans are quite large and originate from a cross between Pacas and Maragogipe.”