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Quaffee Coffee Box Brazil Sao Joao

Quaffee - Brazil Sao Joao Natural Microlot

R 160.00

We receive fresh deliveries of these coffee beans several times per week. Please allow up to 2-3 working days after you order for dispatch in case we need to wait for the next delivery.

Please understand that if you buy green / unroasted coffee that it will need to be roasted before it can be ground or brewed. The unroasted coffee is labelled as such in the Bag Size drop down menu.

Brazilian coffee can be boring. There, we said it, but those in the coffee industry may not be so surprised to hear this. Sure, they are the world's largest coffee producer, but most of this is the commodity kind of stuff that we don't like to drink, and even the specialty stuff can be a bit samey. Nevertheless, there are sensational Brazilian coffees out there, and our friends at Quaffee have a knack for sourcing them. That's why we're excited to try their latest release!

This coffee is a naturally-produced microlot grown by the Bachião Family, in the  Nova Resende region, on São João farm. It received an impressive 86 cupping score (from the distributor, SMC) which is probably a reflection of the care the family puts into cultivation. They follow a methodology called Precision Farming that involves treating each part of the land different based on its specific profile and requirements.

Phaedon's tasting notes

This coffee is gloriously comforting, beautiful & balanced you could say. It's full of subtle but distinct nutty flavours and a sweet raisiny acidity. The body is surprisingly elegant: full but never overpowering. It's the perfect comforting cup of coffee for someone that wants something delicate. I would highly recommend it in a pour-over, siphon or AeroPress.

Quaffee's notes

  • Characteristics: Nutty with juicy sweetness and medium mouth feel.
  • Roast used: Medium charge with a gently decreasing ramp rate, until first crack when the flame is reduced allowing for 55 sec development time
  • Quaffee's brews:
    • Espresso: 1:2.1
    • AeroPress: 17.5g:200g
    • Plunger: 38g:600g
    • Pour over / filter: 20g:300g

Coffee details

  • Farm: São João
  • Region: Nova Resende South of Minas
  • Country: Brazil
  • Processing: Natural, dried in sun on patios
  • Crop: 2020
  • Variety: 100% Arabica: Red Bourbon
  • Altitude: 1,200 masl

Quaffee's transparency information

  • Sourced from: SMC via Marunic Trading.
  • FOB price: n/a – agent not prepared to publish, we estimate between 1.9 and 2.2 USD / pound
  • Cupping score: 86 (SMC)
  • Producer / Organisation: Osvaldo Bachião / Fazenda São João
  • Lot size: We have committed to take 10x30kgs bags
  • Relationship: Our relationship with Marunic goes back to 2018, this is our first coffee from SMC.