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Truth white 250g bag of coffee

Truth. - Colombia Agua Negra Single Origin

R 150.00

We only receive deliveries of these coffee beans once per week, so you may need to wait up to a week for dispatch.

Colombia is one of the most famous coffee producing countries in both the commodity and specialty coffee space, and for good reason. The South American nation is the third largest coffee exporter in the world, behind Brazil (1) and Vietnam (2), and is the number one exporter of Arabica coffee by volume. Of the two coffee plant species, the other being Robusta, Arabica tends to be sweeter and more complex in flavour, and the vast majority of coffee considered specialty-grade by expert coffee quality graders is of the Arabica species.

Within the Arabica species of coffee are thousands of distinct varieties, each of which impart their subtle characteristics in the eventual cup, and many are grown all over Colombia. This is thanks to Colombia's climate and geography, which is characterised by high-altitudes and rolling hills, as well as generally favourable humidity, rainfall and sunshine levels for Arabica coffee plants. The exact climate and terrain varies from region to region in Colombia, and the hundreds of typically small, family-owned coffee farms throughout the country employ a diverse range of coffee processing techniques. This means that two coffees from Colombia can taste radically different. 

This coffee, roasted by Truth. Coffee Roasting, comes from Agua Negra, a coffee growing reserve found in the South Western department of Cauca. The reserve forms part of Cenoic, a coffee cooperative made up of numerous reserves across Cauca. Cenoic provides producers with access to and support in the global market, and reinvests profits into its farms to improve productivity and crop quality. Cenoic also invests in social welfare, environmental protection, training, and education programs for workers and their communities.

Phaedon's tasting notes

Ah! A classic. I love a classic coffee. I love a classic Colombian, in fact, and I thoroughly enjoyed tasting this one. It's pleasant and balanced. It has plenty of body, some stone fruit flavours, some hints of malic acidity, and a delightful nutty finish. I enjoyed all these wonderful qualities most in a French press and a siphon brew.

Coffee details

  • Truth’s tasting notes: Kiwi, apricot, pineapple and lime
  • Country: Colombia
  • Region: Cauca, Municipio de Morales
  • Producer: Cencoic
  • Varieties: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Typica
  • Process: Fully washed
  • Altitude: 1650 - 1900masl

“The over one hundred producers that make up the Agua Negra reserve, each own on average just 1 hectare of land. These producers all belong to an indigenous ethnic group, the Nasa. Their production methods are in a traditional and diversified manner, and through training and improved quality processes, they are now able to offer a high quality indigenous coffee.

“This collective of producers have come together to pool their resources, making investments in production, productivity and quality improvement for all of their farms. Further programs contribute to the mitigation of the environmental effects of coffee production, such as the treatment of honey and grey water, to not pollute rivers and waterways. As well as the use of an eco-beneficio, which reduces the amount of water used, while not compromising on the floatation, pulping and fermentation steps needed to produce this coffee. It is typically fermented between 13 to 17 hours, after which it is washed and distributed across parabolic driers as well as patios, drying from anywhere between 8 and 13 days, after which it is stored, milled and exported.”