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Quaffee Kenya Kagumoini box of coffee

Quaffee - Kenyan Kagumoini AB Washed

R 255.00

We receive fresh deliveries of these coffee beans several times per week. Please allow up to 2-3 working days after you order for dispatch in case we need to wait for the next delivery.

Some of our favourite coffees in recent memory have been washed Kenyan coffees, and of those we’ve had some brilliant offerings from our friends at Quaffee. Kenyan coffee producers are famous for their expertise, as well as their rigorous processing and quality-control practices. The upshot is that you can generally be sure that the Kenyan specialty coffee that actually makes it into your cup is of the highest quality. 

This is thanks in no small part to Kenya’s cooperative and auction systems. The former entails that small-scale producers register as coffee farmer collectives, enabling them to pool and share both material and educational resources, and thereby raising the quality and efficiency of Kenyan coffee production generally. Additionally, Kenya’s auction system helps maintain the high quality of Kenyan coffee, as well as ensure fair pricing and representation for Kenyan coffee producers in both the local and international market.

This coffee was produced by the Kamcharia Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS), a Kenyan coffee cooperative that works with and supports over a thousand local smallholding farmers, and it was processed at their Kagumoini wet mill located in Murang’a central. According to Quaffee, this coffee boasts the juicy fruit and berry flavours and pleasant acidity for which Kenyan coffees are typically known. You can read more about Kamcharia in the notes below provided by Quaffee. 

Quaffee’s notes

  • Taste profile: Black berry, lime, molasses and black tea notes, with a medium body
  • Roast used: What we (Quaffee) call an extended bump and kick. Essentially soaking after drying, and accelerating into the first crack. Once the first crack occurs, the coffee is given a short time to develop in the roast, before cooling.
  • Roast degree: Light 
  • Quaffee brews:
    • Espresso: 1:2.1 (27 sec)
    • AeroPress: 18g:200g (medium grind)
    • Plunger: 48g:800g
    • Pour-over/filter: 20g:300g (coarse grind)

Coffee details from Quaffee

“The Kamacharia Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS) is a producer-driven organisation based in Murang’a County, Kenya. Established in 1993, the cooperative has grown steadily. Today (2024) it encompasses over 1,300 active smallholder members. Member farmers bring their coffee cherries to one of the cooperative’s four wet mills, including the well-known Kagumoini Washing Station.

“Kamacharia FCS is dedicated to producing high-quality coffee while promoting sustainable farming practices. The cooperative invests in programs supporting Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), which help boost productivity and quality. Additionally, they focus on sustainable water management, ensuring that both the farms and mills operate efficiently and responsibly.

“The cooperative also plays a vital role in the local community. A portion of the cooperative’s fees is allocated to a fund that assists with school fees, emergencies, and farm implements. This support helps improve the livelihoods of the farmers and their families, fostering a sense of community and shared success. Consuming coffee from the Kamacharia Farmers Cooperative Society means supporting a community dedicated to sustainable and ethical farming practices.”

  • Owners: Kamacharia Farmers Cooperative Society
  • Farmers: The Cooperative represents 1380 local farmers
  • Region: Muranga County
  • Country: Kenya
  • Altitude: 1750 masl
  • Processing: Fully washed and sun-dried on raised beds
  • Species/Variety: Batian, Ruiru, SL28, and SL34
  • Packaging: Vacuum packed at source

Quaffee’s transparency information

  • Sourced from: Falcon Specialty via And Sons
  • FOB price: Est $14/kg USD.
  • Cupping score: 87 (And Sons); 85 (Quaffee)
  • Lot size bought: 1 x 30KG vac pack
  • Relationship: Quaffee has been working with And Sons for over 2 years.