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IMS is an Italian manufacturer of professional espresso-making accessories such as filter baskets. E&B (Espresso & Brewing) Lab is their coffee tools division. With a strong reputation particularly for metal filters, the company has now turned its attention to the increasingly popular manual brewing methods.
This AeroPress filter is made from stainless steel and is precision-engineered to have incredibly small and consistently sized holes. This allows it to filter out sediment almost as well as a paper filter would but still allows those flavourful coffee oils to pass through while not imparting a papery taste.
The very fine filtering can help you brew an incredibly sweet cup of coffee. Used by professional baristas and AeroPress championship competitors, this is a filter to invest in when you're ready to get very serious about your AeroPress brewing!
Product specifications
- Model D62 SF15
- Made of stainless steel
- 150 µm filtering capacity
- External diameter: 62mm
- Thickness: 0.10mm
- Hole Diameter: Ø 0.15 mm
- Number of holes: 39780
- Total open area: 28%
- Reviews
- Questions
- coffee
- results
- variable
- ratio
- grind
- taste
- charm
- Works
Metal filter
Does work very well! Howe ever, it is so thin I have twice had to get it out of the rubbish bin when cleaning!! Sure I will get used to it being where it is!
I posted a one star review on 1 September. Based on my review, I was contacted by customer care @Cape Coffee Beans and they ran through a couple of solutions for the issues I had - finer grind and "the Inverted Method" of using an Aeropress. Well needless to say this has greatly improved my experience of this filter, as well as the Aeropress, and this is now my go-to method. They even sent me a you tube video to watch (although it is not too complicated to be fair) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3fyeMQyDQE. The filter works well and delivers a very tasty cup of coffee.
Not a Fan
I bought this as a second filter after purchasing the Able Filter from CCB. The water just runs straight through the coffee, hardly wetting the grounds. It does not even give you opportunity to use the press. Maybe I need to watch some videos, but I would not recommend this at all. Rather use the Able.
Stainless Steel strainer Aeropress
Works like a charm and definitely gives an alternative taste to the coffee. Luv it
IMS Aeropress metal filter
I am very happy with this product