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Origin Coffee Roasting Peru La Perla bag of coffee

Origin Coffee Roasting - Peru La Perla Gesha

R 490.00

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On the whole, Peru doesn’t hear its praises sung in the world of coffee quite as often as some of its neighbouring Latin American coffee producers do, but this is typically a matter of quantity over quality. While Peru exports significantly smaller volumes of coffee per year than, for example, Colombia or Brazil, it still produces fantastic specialty-grade coffee on a consistent basis. However, this particular Peruvian lot is especially famous in the coffee scene for one key reason that isn’t its origin, but rather its variety.

If you’ve been interested in specialty coffee for a while you might already know what Gesha coffee (or Geisha, if you prefer) is, but for the uninitiated here’s the low-down. Geisha is a coveted coffee variety that was first grown in the Gori Gesha forest of Ethiopia (the birthplace of coffee as we know it). In the mid 1930s, Gesha plants were transported to and successfully cultivated in several Central American countries, though it wasn’t until after the turn of the century that the incredible flavour potential of their coffee was realised in Panama.

In 2004, Hacienda Esmeralda (a now-famous, family-owned coffee farm) submitted a lot of Gesha to the Best of Panama coffee competition. This lot achieved an extraordinary score of 94.1 out of 100, which won it the contest and sparked an lasting obsession with the Gesha variety throughout the specialty coffee scene. This particular Gesha lot comes from Finca La Perla, a farm in the Cajamarca region of Peru owned by Noé López.  Below you can read about his plentiful experience with the variety. 

Though the Gesha plant itself is difficult to grow and produces limited yields compared to other coffee plants, Gesha coffee is renowned for its complex, floral aromatics and delicate, tea-like body. It can offer a uniquely delightful drinking experience, especially when roasted by the experts at Origin Coffee Roasting.

Origin’s notes

  • Flavour: Apricot jam, purple fruit, jelly beans, sweet grapes, figs, complex finish
  • Body: Medium, syrupy
  • Acidity: Sweet white wine
  • Roast: Light
  • Suggested brewing methods: Pour-over, AeroPress, siphon, milk drinks

Coffee details from Origin

  • Country: Peru
  • Region: Chirinos, San Ignacio, Cajamarca
  • Farm: Finca La Perla
  • Owner: Noé López
  • Altitude: 1850 masl
  • Variety: Gesha
  • Processing: Natural

(From Origin via Covoya Specialty Coffee importers)

“This natural processed single-variety Gesha lot is sourced from producer Noé López, and his farm La Perla in Chirinos, San Ignacio, Cajamarca. Born in 1949 in Chalaco, Peru, Noé has a rich history in coffee cultivation. Starting in 1962, he first started cultivating coffee in the Piura region. Adapting to challenges, he shifted to more disease-resistant varieties post-1970 due to the impact of rust.

“In 2014, Noé’s dedication to quality led him to introduce the Gesha variety to his farm after an internship in Panama. Becoming the first in his co-operative to cultivate Gesha, he played a pivotal role in encouraging others to follow suit. Today, the seeds from Noé’s farm contribute to several cooperative members planting this coveted variety. Renowned for their exceptional quality, beans from Noé López’s farm consistently achieve the highest cup scores. Beyond his agricultural success, Noé is an active leader in the local co-operative, generously sharing his wealth of experience with fellow members.

“Nestled within the Andes Mountains, Chirinos boasts an elevation that contributes to the unique flavour profile of its coffee beans. The high altitudes, combined with the temperate climate, create ideal conditions for growing coffee. What’s particularly fascinating is that Chirinos is also home to a vast array of unique flora and fauna, making it a hotspot for biodiversity conservation.”