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Brazil Fazenda Caxambu coffee beans box

Quaffee - Brazil Fazenda Caxambu Natural

R 180.00

We receive fresh deliveries of these coffee beans several times per week. Please allow up to 2-3 working days after you order for dispatch in case we need to wait for the next delivery.

Brazil produces and exports more coffee than any other country in the world. While the majority of this is commodity-grade coffee used in many generic espresso blends, in recent years we’ve begun to see the South American producer put out more and more fantastic specialty lots. This is one such lot, grown on a third-generation family-owned farm and roasted by our friends at Quaffee

Owned by Carmen Lucia and her family, Fazenda Caxambu is a 211 hectare farm located in the mountainous region near Três Pontas City, South of Minas Gerais. Thanks to its geography and climate, this region offers ideal growing conditions for coffee plantations, and, through a constant cycle of renovation and innovative agricultural practices, Lucia and her team strive to preserve the local environment. For example, Caxambu includes an experimental farm that contains 93 different coffee varieties. Studying the productivity, quality and development potential of these varieties informs Caxambu’s planting patterns and crop cycles to optimise environmental renewal. 

Caxambu means “music box” in a mix of Afro-Indian languages, and refers to a kind of traditional drum. The farm pays homage to its African heritage by employing a unique kind of processing technique, similar to a pulped natural, called “Afro Honey” processing, which entails stomping coffee cherry to pulp it, akin to grape stomping in wine traditional production. This particular Caxambu lot, however, is a standard natural, meaning the coffee seed was left to dry with the flesh and skin of the cherry intact prior to roasting. Natural coffees often lack some of the balance and clarity of washed coffees, but make up for it with a rich body and enhanced sweetness.

Quaffee’s notes

  • Taste profile: Honeyed nuts and some cocoa on the finish
  • Roast used: Constant ramp rate until First crack, then reduced flame
  • Roast degree: Light
  • Quaffee brews:
    • Espresso: 1:2.2 (26 sec)
    • AeroPress: 18g:200g
    • Plunger: 48g:800g
    • Pour-over/filter: 18g:300g

Coffee details from Quaffee

  • Owner: Carmen Lucia
  • Farm: Fazenda Caxambu
  • Region: Tres Pontas, South Minas
  • Country: Brazil
  • Altitude: 1150 masl
  • Processing: Natural
  • Species/Variety: Bourbon

Quaffee’s transparency information

  • Sourced from: Marunic Trading
  • FOB price: N/A
  • Lot size: 10 x 30kg bags
  • Cupping score: 85.5 (Falcon’s)