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Quaffee Coffee Box Bunna Blend

Quaffee - Bunna African Blend

R 200.00

We receive fresh deliveries of these coffee beans several times per week. Please allow up to 2-3 working days after you order for dispatch in case we need to wait for the next delivery.

Bunna gets its name from the Ethiopian word for coffee. It's a seasonal celebration of everything that is wonderful about African coffee, incorporating the best of Quaffee's current single-origin, specialty coffee offerings from the continent.

Our friends at Quaffee craft this blend in an every day drinking style, perfectly striking the balance between a medium body and some natural sweetness & hints of fruit, to keep both classic and adventurous coffee palates interested. Whether for filter or espresso, we're sure you'll enjoy this blend!

Phaedon's tasting notes

On my most recent experimentation with this blend, I found that it really shone for me in immersion brew methods, though it wasn't any slouch in my MoccaMaster either. It has a lovely brown sugar sweetness and a definite fruit juice quality, mostly apple, golden delicious if I were going to try to be very specific. It's a wonderful, every day, easy drinking blend.

In the blend

This blend changes according to the season and what East African coffees Quaffee has on offer at the time, but it always contains specialty grade African coffee (typically with a score of 83 and above). Typically, it has a base of 40-60% Ethiopian coffee, with a few other 4 star coffees as components. Usually, these would be 20-30% Kenyan with 15-30% Burundi or Rwanda, depending on what is part of the current East African offering.

Roaster's notes

  • Our brews: 
    • Espresso 1:2.5
    • AeroPress 17g:200g – with Prismo
    • Plunger 47g:600g
    • Pour over/filter 17.5g:300g
  • Sourced from: Varies according to the season
  • Cupping Score: Typically between 83-86